General Objective: aims to improve the university's standing and advance its objectives through exceptional scientific publishing that benefits the community and contributes to developing a knowledge-based economy.



1. Develop and execute activity plans for the journal, ensuring their successful implementation upon approval.

2.  Supervise the publication of scientific journals periodically and adhere to publication dates

3. Manage the workflow within scientific journals and liaise with university authorities regarding publishing, printing, and rewarding referees.

4. Maintain an updated list of referees across the journal's disciplines.

5. Provide technical oversight for the receipt and review of scientific studies.

6. Encourage researchers to contribute to the scientific journals.

7. Work towards the inclusion of scientific journals in international classifications.

8. Foster collaboration and integration between journals with similar focuses.

9. Expand the reach of publication and distribution to benefit researchers and stakeholders globally.

10. Enhance citation impact and international scientific communication in a sustainable manner.

11. Promote adherence to the highest international publishing standards while avoiding unethical practices.

12. Facilitate the exchange and free accessibility of scientific journal content.

13. Assist in setting performance indicators for journal-related activities, continually reviewing and enhancing them.

14. Identify the journal's human resources, equipment, and material needs and ensure their provision.

15. Identify and address training requirements for journal staff.

16. Produce regular reports on journal activities, accomplishments, and recommendations for performance improvement.

17. Undertake any other duties as assigned.

Scientific Journals:

1. North Journal of Humanities

2. North Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences