About The Vice Presidency

The Vice Presidency of Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research was established in 1428H to achieve the University's vision of leadership and excellence in education, learning, and scientific research for community development with international standards, and to reflect the University's mission with distinguished scientific and research cadres and contribute to the knowledge society. The Vice Presidency works mainly in shaping knowledge creation through scientific and exchange agreements with universities and local, regional, and international scientific institutions; to stimulate scientific research, qualify national scientific cadres and activate postgraduate programs for all disciplines. The Vice Presidency seeks to support scientific research at the university and is trying to keep abreast of its progress and respond effectively to the present era, in which scientific research is the cornerstone of society growth, to raise Northern Border University locally, regionally, and globally.

Dr. Ahmed bin Subaih Al Sharari
The Vice President of Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research