Tasks of the Committee:
• Reviewing scientific production, including written and translated works, submitted to the scientific council for publication on behalf of Northern Border University.
• Assessing requests for research excellence and providing recommendations.
• Evaluating and recommending applications for scientific awards and patent awards.
• Undertaking all tasks assigned by the scientific council within their designated jurisdiction.
• Examining and making recommendations on requests for authorship, publishing, and translation. Carrying out all relevant duties assigned by the scientific council within the sphere of their responsibility.
Committee members:
Dr. Saleh bin Mohammed Al-Tuwaijri Chairman
Prof. Dr. Saeed bin Ali Abu Ashi Al-Maliki Member
Dr. Mohammed bin Abdul Aziz Tashkandi Member
Prof. Dr. Farhan bin Yateem Al-Anzi Member
Dr. Ahmed bin Murshid Al-Hamoud Member and Rapporteur
A. Abdulrahman bin Ahmed Al-Anzi Secretary